Makeup Indonesia : no makeup makeup under 3 mins | makeup simpel natural...
By Brenda Lu - 4:20 AM
Well i know you guys sometimes have struggle wearing makeup so here i have tutorial for you!
anyway, this makeup is a 'no makeup' makeup look which means you actually wearing makeup but in a very natural way as if you are not wearing one! which is tbh all guys love this makeup in my opinion. This tutorial is a very fun tutorial and very informative, you can try out this makeup anywhere especially in school where you are not allowed to wear makeup, yolo!
hai cantik! hari ini aku punya video makeup tutorial, ini sudah aku upload ke youtube channel aku. jadi bagi yang mau nonton video video ku, kalian bisa lihat di youtube channel aku, karena aku lebih aktif disana kalau soal video. Jadi, hari ini aku ada makeup tutorial dimana nama makeup ini adalah 'no makeup' makeup. Apa sih 'no makeup' makeup itu? well, itu adalah makeup yang natural banget dimana kalian bilang kalian tidak terlihat pakai makeup padahal kalian ada pakai, gitu loh! kebanyakan cowo suka makeup yang natural seperti ini nih bukan yang menor menor. ditambah lagi, makeup ini bisa kalian pakai ke sekolah loh karena sanking natural nya guru ga akan tau deh! :3
so enjoy ya! tutorial nya fun banget, kalau volume lagunya kebesaran, dikecilin aja ya
top - bugis street/shoes-jeanboutique(
Semester 3 has been a very hectic ever since the third week. Exam every week just made me want to jump out from my hostel window which of course i obviously didn't do. A lot of regrets and sorrows yet happiness that come along with.
I decided to take a break while also, i need to buy supply for my contact lens. Turtle neck is always my go-to top, very simple and classy. Pairing it with a khaki short i got recently just bright up the whole thing, and my new favourite heels which also i purchased recently with only 28RM about 90.000IDR were a great match as i had been wearing a lot of black recently, even to university. A very excellent outfit combination for a 'take-a-break' or lazy day.
I heard a good thing from this wonder pore from etude house. Basically they have a set of skincare including the one i am going to review for you which is the toner. This toner claimed to minimise your pores, and that is why i bought this in the first place. Actually i have been using this for almost a year now and with that much experience i am going to review it now!
Aku ini pertama kali dengar toner ini bisa mengecilkan pori pori langsung senang banget! Wonder pore set ini bukan cuman ada toner tapi ada masker dan pencuci muka, yang aku punya itu hanya wonder pore freshner yaitu toner nya. Toner ini memang klaim untuk mengecilkan pori pori besar, dan aku sudah pakai selama hampir satu tahun sekarang. Jadi, dengan pengalaman segitu aku akan nge-review wonder pore freshner untuk kalian!
This is the packaging. i got it from Hermo , they did have cybersale that time and the price for this whole set was around 49RM for 500ml if i am not mistaken. It is freaking cheap compare to the one that sell in store which i know in rupiah will be more than 60RM!
that is quite expensive for just a toner right?This is the new one that i bought, the one i said i have been trying for almost a year is another one with slightly different packaging but still in that kind of bottle, and smaller.
Personally, the packaging is cute, especially the design, but well i am not a sucker for something cute.
ini adalah bungkusannya, aku beli nya di website Hermo, ini tuh website malaysia jadi kalau kalian tinggal di malaysia seperti aku kalian bisa coba website ini, tapi kalau yang tinggal di indonesia, coba aja deh browsing di instagram, ada yang jual kok lebih murah lagi daripada toko etude house di mall.
aku beli nya sekitar Rp.171.500, lumayan murah dibandingkan yang di toko.
Botol yang aku bakalan review ini sebenarnya botol ke dua ku, aku beli karena botol pertama sudah mau habis, botol pertama itu lebih kecil mungkin sekitar 200ml sedangkan yang ini 500ml. Aku beli botol pertamaku itu pas ada event bazaar onlineshop di Medan.
Packaging nya itu memang cute sih, tapi aku ga tergila-gila sampe gimana gitu sih.

This is the back and side packaging. Basically saying about the products in which of course in korea language and i cannot read it.
Ini bungkusan bagian belakang dan sampingnya, semua ditulis dalam bahasa Korea dan aku ga ngerti pastinya
Inside the package got two things, one is the toner itself, the other one is a box full of cotton
di dalam bungkusannya tersedia dua produk, yang dimana satu itu toner, dan satu lagi adalah satu kotak penuh dengan kapas wajah
The cotton is different from other cottons that you can find in store even different from sephora cotton. This wonder pore cotton is slightly thicker and not easily torn, so it is quite strong compare to others. Personally i love this cotton more than normal cottons like sephora!
on the other hand, the size of the cotton is pretty big. I have used square cotton before, and it was not as firm and strong as this one.
Kapas ini beda dengan kapas lain bahkan lebih bagus daripada kapas dari sephora. Kapas yang tersedia ini lebih tebal dan susah robek nya, jadi kuat apalagi kalau kita taruk banyak toner kan kadang kapas bisa g kuat trus waktu diaplikasikan ke wajah bisa robek, dan ini enggak!
Kapasnya juga lumayan gede loh
For the toner itself, you can see clearly it is still brand new, they sticked white sticker on it, and that is pretty good!
Untuk tonernya, kalian bisa lihat itu masih baru dan belum dibuka karena mereka taruh sticker putih di mulut botol
They have their own way to press the toner, by pushing it down, so you have to press the pusher. Anyhow, by the time you buy it you can actually know how to use it already, it kinda like bioderma.
Botol ini punya cara tersendiri, biasanya botol lain dituang ini engga, di kalian press mulut botol karena disitu ada presser. Ga perlu khawatir karena kalian bisa ngerti sendiri gimana caranya kalau kalian beli.
This is just me applying the toner!
I did feel the results after a week of applying it and it indeed made my big pores smaller than before, well i have pores problem around the cheeks near the nose and the nose itself. This product contains alcohol.
One thing you should know, this product cannot make your pores look like baby pores, but it certainly can minimise your large pores because it works for me
so with that said, i will conclude the pros and cons for you! ^^
Pros :
+ cooling effect
+ makes your pore smaller
+ clean dirt but not makeup as this is not the function of it
+ big size 500ml
+ good for oily skin
+ hygenic
+ good for oily skin
+ hygenic
Cons :
- it will be pricey if you buy it from the store
- has specific scents that some people might not like it (it is ok for me)
the score :
will i buy it again?
- Of course! this is my second bottle
- has specific scents that some people might not like it (it is ok for me)
the score :
will i buy it again?
- Of course! this is my second bottle
So for the price, it really depends on where you buy it, well i recommend you to buy from online but make sure they sell genuine and original products! i recommend HERMO if you want to buy korean beauty products.
itu gambar aku pas aku aplikasikan tonernya, aku mendapatkan hasil sekitar setelah 1 minggu, pori pori ku makin kecil. Aku punya masalah pori pori besar di sekitar pipi dekat hidung dan di hidung karena kalau kita sering makeup, pori pori bisa membesar. Produk ini mengandung alkohol, jadi ada aroma tersendiri yang dimana mungkin orang suka mungkin ada yang engga suka, tapi untuk aku ga masalah.
Yang perlu kalian tahu, Toner ini memang mengklaim mengecilkan pori pori tapi dia tidak bisa mengecilkan sampai seperti pori-pori bayi!
Pros :
+ efek dingin di wajah
+ mengecilkan pori-pori besar
+ membersihkan kotoran tapi bukan makeup karena fungsi nya emang bukan untuk hapusin makeup
+ ukuran nya besar 500ml
+ bagus untuk wajah berminyak
+ pengambilan toner nya lebih bersih daripada pengambilan biasa yaitu dituang
cons :
- lumayan mahal
- ada aroma tertentu yang dimana ada yang tidak suka dan ada yang suka